Contents > 2. Defense > 2.1. Player-to-Player, 1/4 Court Defense > 2.1.2. Deny Defense > On the Shot: Deny Defense Box Out
(1) Q: If the ball-handler shoots, how do I box out my assigned player when in deny defense?
A: In deny defense, the box out will be the same technique as when in on-ball, however you might initially be a little bit farther away from your assigned player (especially when digging or stunting), or moving/running with them.
Skills Drills
Skills Drill #1: Deny Defense Box Out
This will be the same drill as Skills Drill #4, however this time O1 will have the option of either passing to O2 (and X2 must deflect the ball) or shooting (and X2 must box-out O2 for 3 seconds).
Skills Drill #2: 2v2 Live Modified
Offense Players 1 and 2 (O1 and O2) will compete against Defensive Players 1 and 2 (X1 and X2). Offense is allowed post-ups, dribble drives, and cuts, however no screens or hand-offs are allowed.
Defense must properly box out for 3 seconds (but no rebounds yet).
Cones will be placed in the diagram shown to shorten the court (the reason it is shortened is to focus on on-ball and deny defense, with no help defense yet).
If defense stops the offense from scoring, defense receives 1 point and stays on defense; offense will rotate off. If offense scores, offense goes on defense, and defense goes to the end of the line.